Friday, November 7


and speaking of expressing yourself...I often find it hard to make my point of view clear because I mix in emotion, when I should stick to straight facts. In the midst of an issue like Prop. 8, emotions run high, so I was glad to find this lovely article, that says so clearly what I feel, but sometimes can't put into words. Thank you Joseph L. Conn for doing that for me. Yes, I am aware that prop 8 passed, but with the way our system works, it is going to be a back and forth battle for sometime. Just look at prop 4. This is the 3rd time we have voted it down in California, and I am sure we will be seeing something similar to it on the next ballot. Evolution is a slow process; look how long it took for women to get the vote.Susan B. Anthony died 14 years, 5 months and five days before passage of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. She had worked all her life for this one gift, and I am grateful to her every time I step into that voting booth for her dedicated life.
So don't get frustrated whatever way you believe. Just pick your side, and know that it will take time, time, time. I've picked mine.

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A little poetry, a little art, and a lot of random.