Wednesday, April 29

But why let the facts slow down a good headline?

Here's some of that food for thought I promised you....
after you read this wonderful article, add these 5 little jems to your critical thinking todo list...
1 Do the Conclusions Fit a Little Too Well With Cultural Stereotypes?
2 Does the Study Agree With the Headline?
3 Can You Spot the Double Standard?
4 Is There Another Conclusion That Would be Just as Valid?
5 Is the Study Even Science?

The article is by Beth Skwarecki who I would like to thank for introducing me to Ben Goldacre, who writes the “Bad Science” column for the UK’s Guardian....I can't wait to dive into some of his old articles.
links to follow, for the good stuff:)
have a beautiful evening

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A little poetry, a little art, and a lot of random.