Monday, May 3

and wash your cares away:)

These guys seem like the bees knees.

“Write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow...”
Lawrence Clark Powell
I feel good about these last two(speaking and reading), but exasperated by the first, and that is why I haven't written on here for some time.
I guess it all feels like self important dribble and that those who don't know your quirks can and will misunderstand you. Humbled by my foolishness~
embarrassed by my defensiveness~
but egger to start anew.
I forgive others faster than I forgive myself ~~ no more~~ both are important
I realize all criticism I dole out is really a reflection of my own insecurities, no matter how innocently and anonymously intended.
alright, enough of the public, flogging ( more of that self important dribble b-o-l-o-g-n-a)


OR order some {Soaptopia}:

and wash your cares away:)

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A little poetry, a little art, and a lot of random.