Tuesday, September 9

I just realized that I have not tooted my horn for my fabulous sister in the last five minutes. Those of you who know me know that she is like a super hero to me. I can't get enough of her. So it's only fair that you all fall in love with her too.
Check out her design blog with great picks of all her crafty know-how.
Anomaly Room by Amber Kristine oh, and because this picture is more than a month old, both of us have diffrent hair color. She's blondie now and having more fun. I think I am going to try red again, next. When we are old maybe all our hair will fall out, but hey, I love wigs so it maybe a new adventure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! Thanks for making me your supper hero. You are my snacktime hero ;D
I love YOU!
AmberK. :)

A little poetry, a little art, and a lot of random.